
Falcon News - December 20
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CCSD 46 District News 12/18/24
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Falcon News - December 13
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Frederick School

595 Frederick Road
Grayslake, IL 60030

(847) 543-5300
[email protected]

Map of Frederick School, 595 Frederick Road, Grayslake, IL 60030

Falcon News - October 20, 2023


Important Dates

Week of Oct 23: Red Ribbon Week
Fri., Oct 27: End of 1st Quarter * Students will rotate to a new encore class
Fri., Nov 3: 6th Grade Rec Night 6:30-8:30
Wed., Nov 8: Late Start
Fri., Nov 10: Teacher Institute Day
Fri., Nov 17: 5th Grade Rec Night 6:30-8:30


October 20, 2023

Happy Friday Frederick Families,

Please see the attachment for this week’s newsletter! We  want to remind everyone that next week will be Red Ribbon Week. We will have a spirit week with different themes each day, so we are asking everyone to wear red on Monday as the week kicks off!

We also wanted to share an important reminder regarding chromebooks. Please remember that it is important for students to bring their chromebooks fully charged to school each day. We are seeing an increase in the amount of devices that are either forgotten at home or not charged, and it can be very difficult for students to access all the content in their classes.

Thank you everyone and we hope you enjoy your weekend!


Frederick School


20 de octubre de 2023

Feliz viernes Familias de Frederick,

¡Consulte el archivo adjunto del boletín de esta semana! También queríamos recordarles a todos que la próxima semana será la Semana del Listón Rojo. Tendremos una semana espiritual con diferentes temas cada día, por lo que les pedimos a todos que se vistan de rojo el lunes al comenzar la semana.

También queríamos compartir un recordatorio importante sobre los Chromebooks. Recuerde que es importante que los estudiantes traigan sus Chromebooks completamente cargados a la escuela todos los días. Estamos viendo un aumento en la cantidad de dispositivos que se olvidan en casa o no se cargan, y puede resultar muy difícil para los estudiantes acceder a todo el contenido de sus clases.

¡Gracias a todos y esperamos que disfrutéis de vuestro fin de semana!


Frederick School

Escuela Federico

James Goschy


Mary Murphy

Assistant Principal

Frederick School

Included in this newsletter:
* New Benches
* Rec Nights
* Vision and Hearing Screenings
* Halloween
* Veterans Day & Wall of Heroes
* Parent Teacher Conferences November 20 & 21
* Red Ribbon Week
* Science Olympiad
* School Night Out

Download the newsletter and attachments