Frederick School
595 Frederick Road
Grayslake, IL 60030
Phone: (847) 543-5300
Attendance Hotline: (847) 223-3540 – x5100
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday – 7:30 am to 4:00 pm
Frederick School
595 Frederick Road
Grayslake, IL 60030
Phone: (847) 543-5300
Attendance Hotline:
(847) 223-3540, ext. 5100
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday – 7:30 am to 4:00 pm
School Hours:
Normal Day: 8:45 am – 3:15 pm
Late Start Day: 10:05 am – 3:15 pm
Half Day/Early Dismissal: 8:45 am – 11:45 am
Classbuilding for the 23-24 School Year
Class building is one of our most important tasks in our planning process. Our goal is to place students in the best possible learning environment. We try to build classes that are balanced in terms of learning needs, styles, emotional and social development, academic achievement, and behavior.
We welcome parent involvement in this process, as we recognize that parents know their children better than anyone else. If you would like to offer insight, share your perspective, or express a need on behalf of your child, we invite you to complete this form. Because it is very difficult to grant requests for specific teachers, we ask that your input focus on your child’s learning style, significant learning experiences, and/or the type of teaching style to which your child responds best.
We will use this information, along with input from teachers, to place your child in a classroom that will best meet his or her needs. We ask that all parent feedback is submitted through the form linked above by Friday, May 12th.
Formación de Clases
La formación de las clases es una de las tareas más importantes de nuestro proceso de planificación. Nuestro objetivo es situar a los alumnos en el mejor entorno de aprendizaje posible. Intentamos crear clases equilibradas en cuanto a necesidades de aprendizaje, estilos, desarrollo emocional y social, rendimiento académico y comportamiento.
Agradecemos la participación de los padres en este proceso, ya que reconocemos que los padres conocen a sus hijos mejor que nadie. Si desea ofrecernos su opinión, compartir su perspectiva o expresar una necesidad en nombre de su hijo(a), le invitamos a rellenar este formulario. Dado que es muy difícil conceder peticiones de profesores específicos, le pedimos que su aportación se centre en el estilo de aprendizaje de su hijo, experiencias significativas de aprendizaje y/o el tipo de estilo de enseñanza al que su hijo(a) responde mejor.
Utilizaremos esta información, junto con las aportaciones de los profesores, para asignar a su hijo(a) a la clase que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades. Pedimos que todos los comentarios de los padres se envíen a través del formulario enlazado arriba antes del viernes 12 de mayo.
Registration for the 2023-2024 school year is open!
For families new to the district – visit our registration page and click New Student Registration.
For families with students continuing on with CCSD 46 – log onto the IC Parent Portal to register your current student. If you have an incoming kindergarten or pre-k student you may add those siblings when you register your
current student.
Para familias nuevas en el distrito, visite nuestra página de registro y haga clic en Registro de nuevo estudiante.
Para las familias con estudiantes que continúan con CCSD 46, inicie sesión en el Portal para padres de IC para registrar a su estudiante actual. Si tiene un estudiante que ingresa a kindergarten o prekínder, puede agregar a esos hermanos cuando registre a su estudiante actual.
Student Council Rec Nights
As a reminder, Frederick Student Council is hosting Rec Nights on Friday, April 28th for 5th Grade Students and on Friday, May 5th for 6th Grade Students. Each event is for Frederick Students ONLY in that grade level and will run from 6:30 until 8:30pm. Admission is $5.00 payable at the door, and there will also be concessions and raffle tickets available for additional purchase during the event. Some parents ask how much money they need to send with their child, other than the $5 entrance fee, students usually spend another $5-$15 dollars on
concessions (Pizza, nachos, candy, drinks, etc..), raffle tickets (we have a lot of great prizes that our student council members have collected), and games (like ring bottle toss). Otherwise, there is no cost to playing in the gym or dancing to the DJ.
Some students may be under the impression that they need to ask someone to go to the dance with them (a date). This is NOT the case. In fact we discourage this practice, as we just want kids to come and have fun with their classmates. Supervision is provided by Frederick Staff and parents of student council members. This is a drop off event, so it is a chance for students to have fun in a supervised setting. Students should be dropped off as close to 6:30 as possible.
Parents are asked to pick-up promptly at 8:30 PM and can use the front circle drive or main parking lot. It will be dark, so please let your child know who will be picking them up so they know what vehicle to look for. It also helps if families and friends can carpool when possible.
Please know that cell phones will NOT be allowed at Rec Nights. All students are encouraged to leave their cell phones at home. If a student does bring their phone to the event, they will be required to check their phone for safekeeping and it will be returned at the end of the night. If for some reason they need to
contact you during the event, they can use the school phones, or they can use
their cell phone with supervision from an adult.
We are hoping that this will encourage students to have a fun evening free from
devices and will also help reduce any issues related to social media.
Important Dates
MAY 5 – 6th Grade Rec Night 6:30-8:30 PM
MAY 9 – Choir Concert 6:30 PM
MAY 10 – Late Start 10:05 AM
MAY 10 – Family Book Club Night 6:00-7:30 PM
MAY 16 – “Fredvinia” Band Concert 6:00 PM
Ronald McDonald Mobile Care
CCSD 46 is welcoming the Ronald McDonald Care Mobile this summer in the Frederick School – D46 District Office parking lot. This service provides physicals and vaccines – FREE of charge – for those who do not have insurance or are currently on Medicaid. Illinois state law requires a physical and current vaccines when entering kindergarten and 6th grade, or for new students who are entering the district for the first time. Join us Tuesday, June 13 in the Frederick School – D46 District Office parking lot at 565 Frederick Road, Grayslake from 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM. Please be sure to bring the appropriate forms on our district website: