Important Dates
Fri. Jan 24: Session 3 Intramurals Close
Week of Feb 10th: Random Acts of Kindness Week
Wed. Feb 12th: Late Start
Fri. Feb 14th: Teacher Institute Day No School
Mon. Feb 17th: Presidents Day No School

January 24, 2025
Dear Frederick Families,
Happy Friday! We hope that everyone had a great week. This week’s newsletter is attached. Please remember that today is the final day to register for any intramural clubs for Session 3. Parents will be notified about final club selections next Wednesday.
We also wanted to remind everyone that registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now open! If your family will be returning to CCSD 46 next year, please consider registering as early as possible. There are early bird discounts and it will greatly assist us in planning for the upcoming year!
Have a great weekend everyone!
24 de enero de 2025
Queridas familias de Frederick:
¡Feliz viernes! Esperamos que todos hayan tenido una gran semana. El boletín de esta semana está adjunto. Recuerde que hoy es el último día para inscribirse en los clubes intramuros de la Sesión 3. Se notificará a los padres sobre la selección final de los clubes el próximo miércoles.
También queríamos recordarles a todos que la inscripción para el año escolar 2025-2026 ya está abierta. Si su familia regresará al CCSD 46 el próximo año, considere inscribirse lo antes posible. ¡Hay descuentos por inscripción anticipada y nos ayudará mucho a planificar el próximo año!
¡Que tengáis todos un buen fin de semana!
James Goschy
Frederick School
Included in this newsletter:
* Lost and Found (FINAL WEEK)
* Intramurals Session 3
* Kingfish Reading Challenge
* Outdoor Recess Reminders
* Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year is Now OPEN
* Tips for Cleaning & Caring for Your Student Chromebook
* PTO Updates
* Route 83 Showdown
* Barn Fest