
Falcon News - February 7
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CCSD 46 District News 2/5/25
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Falcon News - January 31
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Frederick School

595 Frederick Road
Grayslake, IL 60030

(847) 543-5300
[email protected]

Map of Frederick School, 595 Frederick Road, Grayslake, IL 60030

Falcon News - December 8, 2023


Important Dates

Tues., Dec 12: Winter Choir Concert
Wed., Dec 13: Late Start
Tues., Dec 19: Winter Band Concerts
Tues., Dec 19: School Night Out @ Emil’s
Fri., Dec 22: Last day before Winter Break


December 10, 2023

Dear Frederick School Community,

Happy Friday! We hope that everyone had a wonderful week. Today’s newsletter begins some really important information regarding our upcoming review of ALICE procedures and our mandated safety drill conducted in conjunction with the Grayslake Police Department that will take place next week. Please review this and let us know if you have any questions.

Also included are some reminders for our students who are car riders, a message from the Frederick Student Council about helping a family in need, an upcoming spirit week, and some news from our PTO.

We hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend, and we are wishing a very Happy Hanukkah to all of the Frederick community who celebrates this holiday!


Frederick School

10 de diciembre de 2023

Estimada comunidad escolar de Frederick,

¡Feliz viernes! Esperamos que todos hayan tenido una semana maravillosa. El boletín de hoy comienza con información realmente importante sobre nuestra próxima revisión de los procedimientos de ALICE y nuestro simulacro de seguridad obligatorio realizado en conjunto con el Departamento de Policía de Grayslake que se llevará a cabo la próxima semana. Revise esto y háganos saber si tiene alguna pregunta.

También se incluyen algunos recordatorios para nuestros estudiantes que viajan en automóvil, un mensaje del Consejo Estudiantil de Frederick sobre cómo ayudar a una familia necesitada, una próxima semana espiritual y algunas noticias de nuestro PTO.

Esperamos que todos tengan un fin de semana maravilloso y les deseamos un muy feliz Hanukkah a toda la comunidad de Frederick que celebra esta festividad.


Escuela Frederick

James Goschy


Mary Murphy
Assistant Principal

Frederick School

Included in this newsletter:
* Drop-Off and Pick-Up
* Help a D46 Family
* Band and Choir Concerts
* Winter Spirit Week
* Student Chromebooks
* PTO Cookie Walk
* School Night Out

Download the newsletter and attachments