
Falcon News - December 20
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CCSD 46 District News 12/18/24
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Falcon News - December 13
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Frederick School

595 Frederick Road
Grayslake, IL 60030

(847) 543-5300
[email protected]

Map of Frederick School, 595 Frederick Road, Grayslake, IL 60030

Falcon News - Back to School Update


Important Dates

AUGUST 14 – Kick Off Camp for 5th Graders
AUGUST 23 – First Day of School!
AUGUST 31 – Back to School Night
SEPTEMBER 22 – Frederick Family Campout


Dear Frederick Families,

We hope that everyone has had a wonderful week and that all of our students are excited for the first day of school on August 23rd!
Today’s newsletter includes a lot of important information, much of it related to how and when you can access your child’s class schedule and transportation information via the Parent Portal. Within the newsletter, you will also see a link for the district’s “Back to School” hub that will provide further helpful information for all schools in our district.
We’ve also included details about some extracurricular opportunities that start soon, dates for upcoming school events, and flyers about before/after school childcare through Right at School and how to order yearbooks (there is a discount if you do it early!)
Plan for Communication with Families
Going forward, families can plan to receive a weekly school newsletter on Fridays (or the last day of school in a week) throughout the school year. In order to make sure we are reaching families for all students, we are utilizing Infinite Campus to send our messages. To make this possible, all parent/guardian email addresses and phone numbers that had previously blocked school communications have been reset. In the event that you DO NOT want to receive communication as stated above, you may adjust your communication preferences in the Parent Portal. There is a document included at the end of the attached newsletter that can walk you through the steps of adjusting these preferences.
Please note that while emergency messages will continue to come to you through email, phone calls, and texts, school and district newsletter communication will come only through email.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me or contact our office if you have any additional questions. We look forward to seeing so many of our new fifth graders at Kick Off Camp on Monday, and can’t wait to see the rest of our Frederick Falcons on the first day of school on August 23rd!
James Goschy
Frederick School

Estimadas familias de Federico,

¡Esperamos que todos hayan tenido una semana maravillosa y que todos nuestros estudiantes estén emocionados por el primer día de clases el 23 de agosto!

El boletín de hoy incluye mucha información importante, principalmente relacionada con cómo y cuándo puede acceder a la información sobre el horario de clases y el transporte de su hijo. Dentro del boletín, también verá un enlace para el centro de “Regreso a la escuela” del distrito que proporcionará información útil para todas las escuelas de nuestro distrito.

También proporcionamos información sobre algunas oportunidades extracurriculares que comenzarán pronto, próximas fechas de eventos y folletos adicionales sobre el cuidado de niños antes y después de la escuela a través de Right at School y cómo pedir anuarios (¡hay un descuento si lo hace antes!)

Comunicación con las familias
En el futuro, las familias pueden planear recibir un boletín semanal los viernes (o el último día de clases en una semana) durante todo el año escolar. Para asegurarnos de llegar a las familias de todos los estudiantes, estamos utilizando Infinite Campus para enviar nuestros mensajes. Para que esto sea posible, se han restablecido todas las direcciones de correo electrónico y los números de teléfono de los padres/tutores que previamente habían bloqueado las comunicaciones escolares. En el caso de que NO desee recibir comunicación como se indicó anteriormente, puede ajustar sus preferencias de comunicación en el Portal para padres. Hay un documento adjunto que puede guiarlo a través de los pasos para ajustar estas preferencias en el mensaje de hoy.

Tenga en cuenta que mientras los mensajes de emergencia seguirán llegando a través de correo electrónico, llamadas telefónicas y mensajes de texto, la comunicación con el boletín escolar y del distrito solo se realizará a través de correo electrónico.

No dude en comunicarse conmigo o comunicarse con nuestra oficina si tiene más preguntas. ¡Esperamos ver a muchos de nuestros nuevos alumnos de quinto grado en el Kick Off Camp el lunes, y estamos ansiosos por ver al resto de nuestros Frederick Falcons el primer día de clases el 23 de agosto!


James Goschy
Frederick School


Student Schedules, Transportation, & Back to School Information

Starting at the end of the day on Wednesday, August 16th, student class schedules can be viewed in the Infinite Campus Portal for those that have completed the registration process. If you are unable to access your Portal account, please contact the Frederick office for more information.

For more helpful information for the start of the school year including instructions on navigating the Infinite Campus Portal, accessing bus information for your child, and health form requirements please visit the Back to School page on our district’s website.

The first day of school is Wednesday, August 23rd for all Frederick students and it is a full day of school.

Frederick School Hours:

8:45 A.M. to 3:15 P.M.


Arrival & Dismissal Procedures

For the safety of all of our students, we ask that all parents/guardians are familiar with our arrival and dismissal procedures. This is especially critical for those families who are not planning to use the school bus as the primary mode of transportation. Your understanding and support will help our arrival and dismissal procedures run safely and smoothly for everyone.

All students will enter the building through the main entrance . Students should arrive no earlier than 8:30 a.m. as doors will open to students at that time. No students will be allowed in the building before 8:30 a.m. UNLESS they are participating in a school activity or extracurricular that has before school activities (i.e. band rehearsals, choir, and student council meetings). Buses will unload students in the main parking lot each morning.

If you plan to bring your child to school, you may use the small drive (“the boot”) adjacent to the main entrance for drop-off. This drive is for moving traffic only. If you need to enter the building at all, you must park your vehicle in an available space at the end of this drive or in the main parking lot. Students should only exit the vehicle once you reach the yellow colored curb after you have pulled as far forward as possible.

Students will be dismissed at 3:15 p.m. Bus riders will be dismissed through the back parking lot exit. This lot is only for school buses.

Students who will be picked up by car will exit the building via the main entrance or the doors near the flagpole, and must be picked up in the main parking lot. As you arrive, vehicles will form two lanes around the perimeter of the parking lot, merging to one lane as you get closer to the building.

During dismissal, “the boot” is NOT to be used for parent pickup. This drive must remain clear for daycare vans, taxis, and small bus pickup.

Walkers must stay on the bike path and may not cross any of the parking lots during dismissal. Walking areas for Frederick School include Avon on the Prairie, Estates of Eastlake, Quail Creek, Cherry Creek, and Stratford-On-Avon.

Arrival and dismissal are extremely busy times of our school day, so for the sake of everyone’s safety, we ask for your support and cooperation following all guidelines:

  • When you are waved forward by a staff member, please pull forward as far as possible before having your child enter/exit your vehicle.
  • All students must enter/exit the vehicle on the passenger side.
  • Students may only enter/exit a vehicle when completely stopped.
  • The “boot” is for moving traffic only; your vehicle should never be left unattended while in this area. You must park your vehicle in an available space if you need to enter the building for any reason.
  • Please watch for pedestrians who may be crossing.
  • Vehicles should never be double-parked in either the main parking lot or “the boot”.



Required Health Documents for 6th Graders and New Students
Please also remember that the State of Illinois requires that all entering 6th grade and transferring students must have a record of a physical examination and vaccinations submitted to our health office on or before the first day of school. If this information is not provided, students will be excluded from attending school. Necessary documents can
be emailed to [email protected] or faxed to our office at (847)548-7768. If you have any further questions, please feel free to call the Frederick office or contact Ms. Arnita Walker, Frederick Health Clerk, at [email protected].


Frederick School Choir – Sign Up Today!
The Frederick Choir allows students to come together to sing and showcase their talents, and will perform at two concerts scheduled during the school year. Choir will begin on Tuesday, September 5th for 5th graders and Thursday, September 7th for 6th graders. Choir is a before school club, so all choir members will require parent transportation for rehearsals at 8:00am. on designated days. If your child is interested in participating in choir, please review the linked Choir Handbook. If you have any questions about the Frederick Choir, please reach out to Kathleen Davis, Choir Director, at [email protected]. To complete the signup process, registration forms are included at the end of the handbook and can be returned to school or emailed to Mrs. Davis when completed.


Cross Country at Grayslake Middle School
This was shared in our previous newsletter, but we wanted to remind everyone that there is an opportunity for our 5th and 6th grade students to participate in Cross Country as part of the Grayslake Middle School team! The first practice will be after school on Thursday, August 24th. Please see this embedded link for more information and the registration form, but remember that in order for your child to participate a valid physical must be on file with the school office.

Included in this newsletter:
* Frederick School Choir
* Cross Country
* Right at School
* Yearbooks
* PTO Update
* Working in CCSD46

Download the newsletter and attachments